Save More.
Spend Less.
Manage your business subscriptions from Whatsapp in a click powered by your own data.
Enjoy software perks from 400+ partners
Be a Software admin legend.
Save money and spend more time building your business.
Cancel on the spot
Manage your subscription from your Whatsapp anytime. Whatsapp reminders mean no more forgetting to cancel unused software subscriptions.
Be cash flow positive
Get real-time insights and keep track of any hidden subscription to see where you can save the most money.
Bring in your bank data.
Connect your bank data and credit cards to detect software subscriptions in real time and cost-saving opportunities.
Save more on software.
Never pay in full for your next software by accessing exclusive deals from 400+ partners.
Save more on software purchase
Never pay in full for your SaaS again by accessing deals from more than 400+ software companies.
All this and more.
Everything you need to save money from hidden subscriptions in one place.